Real-Time Application Module

The CommuniGate Pro Real-Time Application module provides an infrastructure to design and deploy applications processing various Signals.
Real-Time Applications to process voice calls include voice mail, auto-attendant, conferencing, and other applications. These applications implement the "IP-PBX" functionality, providing an Internet standards-based alternative to legacy PBX (Private Branch Exchange) systems.

A Real-Time Application can be invoked when a Signal is sent to a certain Account, or certain Signals can be explicitly directed to Real-Time Applications.

The CommuniGate Pro Server software comes with several Real-Time Applications already built-in. These applications are highly customizable, and they can be used in most "regular" cases.

Read this section if you want to customize the built-in Applications, and/or if you want to create your own Real-Time Applications.

Application Environments

A Real-Time Application Environment is a set of files that may include:

Environments are designed to support several human (spoken) languages. The default Environment language is English. To support other languages, an Environment should contain language directories, named as the languages they support (french, russian, japanese, etc.)

A language directory can contain the same files as the Environment itself, but it cannot contain language subdirectories.

Real-Time Application Tasks can select a language to be used. When a non-default language is selected, and the application code tries to read a file from the Application Environment, the selected language subdirectory is used. If the file is not found in the language subdirectory, the file is retrieved from the Application Environment itself (i.e. the default language file is used).

The CommuniGate Pro server comes with a built-in "Stock" Real-Time Application Environment. This Environment contains some basic applications and all files required by those applications, as well as some useful code section and media files.

Each CommuniGate Pro system has its Server-wide Application Environment. A CommuniGate Pro Dynamic Cluster installation also has a Cluster-wide Application Environment. To modify these Environments, open the WebAdmin Interface Domains section and follow the PBX link.

Each CommuniGate Pro Domain has its own Application Environment. To modify that Environment, open the WebAdmin Interface Domains section, open the Domain Settings for the selected Domain and follow the PBX link.

Modifications of the Cluster-wide Environment, as well as modifications of an Environment in any Shared Domain are automatically distributed to all Cluster Members.

Since Domains have their own Application Environments, different applications in different Domains can have the same name.

All Application Environment files should use the UTF-8 character set for non-ASCII symbols.

Environment Files Hierarchy

Real-Time Application Tasks are executed "on behalf" of a certain CommuniGate Pro Account.
When an application requests an "environment file" and the default language is selected, the Server looks for the file in:

If a non-default language is selected, the Server first looks for the file in the language directories of the Environments listed above. If the file is not found in any of those directories, the listed Environments themselves are searched. So, if a language-specific file has not been created, the default-language (English) file is used.

This hierarchy provides for simple Application customization. Accounts in all Domains can use the same Stock or Server-wide applications, while Domain Administrators can customize these applications by uploading custom files into their Domain Environments.

Managing Environments

The WebAdmin Interface provides the Real-Time Application Environment Editor pages to manage Server-wide, Cluster-wide, and Domain Application Environments.

To manage the Server-wide and Cluster-wide Environments, open the Domains realm of the WebAdmin Interface, and click the PBX link.

To manage the Domain Environment, open that Domain page in the Domains realm of the WebAdmin Interface, and click the PBX link. The Domain Administrator should have the CanModifyPBXApps Access Right to be able to create and modify the Domain Application Environment.

The Environment Editor page contains the list of all files "visible" in this Environment: it lists files directly uploaded to this particular Environment, as well as all files uploaded to the Environments used as the "default files" source for this Environment:

Marker File NameSizeModified

Files directly uploaded to the Environment have a checkbox in the Marker column. Files from the other Environments "visible" in this Environment have the word default in that column.

You can download any of the Environment files by clicking the file name.

You can upload a file to the Environment by clicking the Browse button and selecting a file on your workstation, then clicking the Upload button.

You can delete any of the files uploaded to the Environment by selecting the checkboxes and clicking the Delete Marked button.

If you are uploading a file with the .sppr or the .sppi extension, the Editor assumes that the file contain some CG/PL program code, and it tries to compile that code.
If the compiler detects an error, the file is not uploaded, and the file content is displayed on the Editor page, with the red <--ERROR--> marker indicating the location of the error.

The Server places used Real-Time Environment files into an internal cache. When you upload a file to any Environment, that Environment cache is automatically cleared. If you upload a file to a Shared Domain Environment or to the Cluster-wide Environment, the updated file automatically propagates to all Cluster Members.

You can upload a set of files by uploading a TAR-archive (a file with .tar name extension). For example, when you have a TAR-archive with a predesigned Real-Time Application you can open the Environment you want to modify, and upload the .tar file. The Server will unpack the archive and store each file individually, as if they were uploaded one-by-one.

The Editor page contains the list of all Language directories:

National Variants
Marker Language

To create a new Variant, enter the language name, and click the Create Language button.

To open a Language directory, click its name. The Editor will display the Language name, and it will provide the UP link to the list of the default language files.

Application Model

Real-Time Applications run as Tasks. To start an Application, the CommuniGate Pro Server starts a new Task and instructs it to execute the main entry code section of the specified Application.

A Real-Time Application Task can run in the disconnected mode, or it can be a part of exactly one Real-Time session (such as a phone call) with some peer. A peer is any Real-Time entity, such as a SIP phone, a PSTN gateway, a remote Real-Time application communicating via SIP, or a local Real-Time Application, i.e. some other Task.

If a Task is participating in a session with some peer, it can be in one of the following modes:

an incoming session (a call in the telephony terms, an INVITE request in the SIP terms) has been directed to the Task, but the Task has not accepted the session (call) yet.
an incoming session has been directed to the Task, the Task has not accepted the session yet, but it has sent a provisional response to the caller.
the Task has initiated an outgoing seesion (call), but the session has not been established yet.
the Task has accepted an incoming session, or the Task has established an outgoing session.

A Task can receive Signals from its peer, and it can send Signals itself. Signals can be used to end the current session, to update the session parameters, etc. Some of the Signals sent by the peer are processed by the Real-Time Application Environment itself, while other Signals are passed to the Task for processing.

A Real-Time Application Task has a Media Channel associated with it. When a session is established, the Task Media Channel is connected to the peer's media channel.

A Task can use its Media Channel to send media (audio, video) to the peer, and to record media sent by the peer.

A Task can switch the peer media somewhere else - for example, to a separate service providing music on hold or other media services. When the peer media is switched away, the Task Media Channel cannot be used, but the Task still can control the peer by sending Signals to it and it still receives Signals from the peer. The Task can switch the peer media back to its own Media Channel.

A Media Channel provides a conversation space. A Task can attach other peer media to the Task own Media Channel. This operation creates a conversation space (or a conference) that includes the Task own peer and all peers with media attached to this Task. Media sent by any peer in a conversation space is relayed to all other peers in that space, using the data mixing algorithms and parameters defined for that media type.

A Task with attached peer media can use its Media Channel to send media to its own peer and to all attached peers at once.

CG/PL Applications

Real-Time Applications can be written using the CG/PL language.

When a Task is created to process an incoming call, the main entry of the specified CG/PL application program is executed.

Real-Time Applications can use CG/PL external-declarations. When a code section (a procedure or a function) declared as external is called, a file with the code section name and the .sppi extension is loaded from the current Environment. The program code in this file must contain the code section with the specified name and of the proper type (a procedure or a function).
The program code in an .sppi file may contain other code sections as well.

Real-Time Applications written in the CG/PL language can use the following built-in procedures and functions.


This function is used to receive external Task communications: DTMF symbol entered by the peer, signals sent by the peer, and Events sent by other Tasks and by the system itself. See the CG/PL Events section for the detail.
The timeOut value should be a number specifying the maximum wait period (in seconds). If the timeOut value is zero, the function checks for pending digits and events, without any waiting.
The function returns:
  • a string with the first DTMF symbol in the Task DTMF buffer. The symbol is removed from the Task buffer.
  • a dictionary with the first waiting Event. The Event is removed from the Task Event queue.
  • a null-value if no DTMF symbol and no Event was received during the specified time period.

When the peer disconnects, the Task receives a Disconnect Event from the system (this Event dictionary does not contain the .sender element).

This function returns a true-value if the input value is a Disconnect Event.

// Sample: ReadInput()
//   Accept an incoming call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Play the PressPound media file.
//   Wait for any input for up to 5 seconds.
//   If the "pound" ("#") symbol was entered,
//     play the Good media file.
//   Otherwise,
//     play the Bad media file.
//   Stop.
entry Main is
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
  PlayFile(ReadInput(5) == "#" ? "Good" : "Bad");
end entry;


This procedure rejects an incoming session if there is one: the Task should be in the incoming or provisioned mode.
The responseCode value should be a numeric value between 400 and 699. This number is sent back to the caller as the Signal Response code. If the code 401 is sent back, and the request came from outside the CommuniGate Pro Server (via the SIP protocol), the SIP server module adds the proper fields to the response to facilitate client Authentication.
The Task is placed into the disconnected mode.

This function accepts an incoming session, if there is one: the Task should be in the incoming or provisioned mode.
This function returns a null-value if the session is accepted successfully, and the Task is placed into the connected mode.
If a session cannot be accepted, this function returns an error code string, and the Task is placed into the disconnected mode.

// Sample: AcceptCall()/RejectCall()
//   If the current local time is not between 8:00 and 17:00,
//     reject the call (with the 403 error code) and stop.
//   Otherwise,
//     accept the call (stop if it is not possible)
//     play the Welcome media file and stop.
entry Main is
  currentTime = TimeOfDay(GMTToLocal(GMTTime()));
  currentHour = currentTime / 3600;
  if currentHour < 8 or currentHour >= 17 then
    RejectCall(403); stop;
  end if;
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
end entry;

This procedure redirects an incoming session, if there is one: the Task should be in the incoming or provisioned mode.
The newURI value should be a string, or an array of strings. The incoming session is redirected to the URI(s) specified and the Task is placed into the disconnected mode.
This procedure redirects an incoming session, if there is one: the Task should be in the incoming or provisioned mode.
The newURI value should be a string, or an array of strings. The incoming session is directed to the URI(s) specified, and the current Task remains in the same state, so it can accept, reject, redirect, provision, or fork this call later.

This function sends a provisional Response for an incoming session Request, if there is a pending one: the Task should be in the incoming or provisioned mode.
If the startMedia value is not a null-vallue, then a Task Media Channel is created, the Task is is placed into the provisioned mode and the Media Channel operations (such as PlayFile) can be used to generate "ring-back tones".
If the reliably value is not a null-value, the response confirmation (SIP PRACK) is requested, and the Task is suspended till a confirmation request arrives.
This function returns a null-value if the response is sent successfully.
If a provisional response cannot be sent, this function returns an error code string.

// Sample: RedirectCall()/ProvisionCall()
//   Provision the call (stop if it is not possible).
//   If the current local time is between 12:00 and 13:00,
//     fork the call to user1 in the same domain.
//   Play the "PleaseWait" media file.
//   If the current local time is not between 8:00 and 17:00,
//     redirect the call to user2 in the same domain, and stop.
//   Otherwise,
//   Accept the call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Play the Welcome media file, and stop.
entry Main is
  if ProvisionCall(true,true) != null then stop; end if;
  currentTime = TimeOfDay(GMTToLocal(GMTTime()));
  currentHour = currentTime / 3600;
  if currentHour >= 12 and currentHour <= 13 then
    ForkCall("sip:user1@" + MyDomain());
  end if;
  if currentHour < 8 or currentHour >= 17 then
    RedirectCall("sip:user2@" + MyDomain());
  end if;
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
end entry;

Note: if a pending incoming call has been cancelled, the Task receives a Disconnect Event, and the Task mode changes to disconnected.

This function initiates an outgoing session. The Task should be in the disconnected mode.
The sendURI value should be a string containing the URI to send a session request to, or a dictionary containing the following string elements:
"" (empty string)
the URI to send a request to
From (optional)
the URI to use for the request From: field

This function returns an error code string if an outgoing call cannot be initiated.
If an outgoing call has been initiated successfully, the function returns a null-value, and the Task starts to receive call progress Events from the system: zero or more provisional response Events, followed by exactly one final response Event.
If the outgoing session has been established successfully, the Task receives a final response Event without a parameter.
If the outgoing session has been established successfully, the Task receives a final response Event with a parameter - the error code string.

This function returns a true-value if the input value is a call provisional response Event. Otherwise the function returns a null-value.

This function returns a true-value if the input value is a call final response Event. Otherwise the function returns a null-value. When a Task receives a final response Event, the call signalling process has completed. If the Event has a parameter, the call has failed, and the parameter contains the error code string.

If a Task has a pending outoging call (initiated using the StartCall function), this procedure cancels that call (the Task will not receive a final response Event).

This procedure ends the active session, if any, and the Task is placed into the disconnected mode.

// Sample: StartCall()/Disconnect()
//   Accept an incoming call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Remember the caller URI.
//   Play the CallBack media file.
//   Disconnect();
//   Call the caller back (stop if it's not possible).
//   Play the IamBack media file, and stop.
entry Main is
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
  fromWhom = RemoteURI();

  if StartCall(fromWhom) != null then stop; end if;

    input = ReadInput(3600);
  exitif not IsCallProvisionEvent(input);
  end loop;

  if not IsCallCompletedEvent(input) or else
     input.parameter != null then stop; end if;

end entry;

This function returns a true-value if the Task is in the connected mode.

This function returns a true-value if the Task is in the connected or provisioned mode.


Each Task has a DTMF buffer string. When a DTMF symbol is received either in an INFO Request or as a media packet (via the Media Channel), the symbol is appended to this buffer.

This function returns a string with the current content of the DTMF buffer. The DTMF buffer is not changed. Usually this function is not used, the ReadInput() function is used instead.

This procedure empties the DTMF buffer.

This function sends a DTMF symbol to the peer.
The symbol value should be a string containing 1 DTMF symbol.
The function returns a null-value if a symbol was sent, or a string with an error code if sending failed.

// Sample: ReadInput()/SendDTMF()
//   Accept an incoming call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Wait for an input for 10 seconds. If no input - stop.
//   If a digit is entered
//      play that digit, and send it back.
//      (using "0" ... "9" files)
//   If a star ("*") is entered,
//     wait for a digit (for 3 seconds)
//     and play the digit number square (2 digits)
//   If a pound ("#") is entered or the Peer
//     has disconnected, or any Event was sent, stop.
entry Main is
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
    input = ReadInput(10);
	if input == "*" then
	  input = ReadInput(3);
	  if IsString(input) and input != "#" then
	    input = "*" + input;
	  end if;
	end if;
  exitif not IsString(input) or input == "#";
    if Substring(input,0,1) != "*" then
	  input = Number(Substring(input,1,1);
	  product = input *  input;
	end if;
  end loop;
end entry;


This procedure retrieves a file from its Application Environment and plays it. The string parameter fileName specifies the file name. If the specified file name does not contain a file name extension, supported extensions are added and tried.
The file should contain media data in one of the supported formats.
Playing is suppressed or interrupted if the session ends, if the DTMF buffer is not empty, or if there is an Event enqueued for this Task.

This procedure is similar to the PlayFile procedure.
The msec parameter value should be a number.
This procedure plays the specified file for msec milliseconds, repeating file in a loop if the file media playing period is shorter than the specified period. If the msec parameter has a negative value, the file is played in a loop without a predefined time limit.
Playing is suppressed or interrupted if the session ends, if the DTMF buffer is not empty, or if there is an Event enqueued for this Task.

This procedure plays the waveData value which should be a datablock.
The datablock should contain media data in one of the supported formats.
Playing is suppressed or interrupted if the session ends, if the DTMF buffer is not empty, or if there is an Event enqueued for this Task.

This procedure is the same as the Play procedure, but it can play the media data in a loop, in the same way as the PlayFileInLoop procedure does.

This function records incoming audio data. The timeLimit value should be a positive number, it specifies the maximum recording time in seconds.
Recording is suppressed or interrupted if the session ends, if the DTMF buffer is not empty, or if there is an Event enqueued for this Task.
The function returns a null-value if recording was suppressed, or a datablock with the recorded sound in the WAV format.

// Sample: Record()/PlayFile()/Play()
//   Accept an incoming call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Play the GreetingIs file.
//   Read the current prompt from
//      the MyGreeting.wav file in the Personal Site.
//   Loop playing the greeting.
//      if "1" is entered, rewrite the prompt file and quit
//      if "2" is entered, play "Beep" and record the prompt.
entry Main is
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;
  prompt = ReadSiteFile("MyGreeting.wav");
    if IsData(prompt) then Play(prompt); end if;
    input = ReadInput(10);
  exitif not IsString(input) or else input == "#";
    if input == "1" then
	  if WriteSiteFile("MyGreeting.wav",prompt) then
	    PlayFile("Goodbye"); stop;
	  end if;
	elif input == "2" then
	  prompt = Record(30);
	end if;
  end loop;
end entry;

This function sends a special StartBridge Event to the specified Task asking it to take over this Task peer media.
The taskRef value should be a task handle. It specifies the Task to send the request to.
This function returns a null-value if the specified Task successfully took over this Task peer media. Otherwise, the function returns an error code string.

The current Task is placed into the waiting state, and the target Task receives a special StartBridge Event.

This function returns a true value if the input value is a StartBridge Event. Otherwise the function returns a null-value.

This function rejects the StartBridge request.
The input parameter value should be a StartBridge Event to reject.
The StartBridge function in the Task that has sent this StartBridge Event exits the waiting state and it returns an error code string.

This function builds a Media Bridge with the Task that has sent it the StartBridge Event.
The input value should be a StartBridge Event to accept.
This function returns a null-value if the Media Bridge was successfully established. Otherwise, the function returns an error code string.
The StartBridge function in the Task that has sent this StartBridge Event exits the waiting state. That function returns a null-value if the Media Bridge is established, otherwise, it returns an error code string.

When a Media Bridge is successfully established between a pair of Tasks, their peer media are connected to each other. Tasks Media Channels are disconnected from their peers and the Media Channel operations (PlayFile, Record, etc.) cannot be used.
A Task cannot use the StartBridge, AcceptBridge, and AttachMixer functions while a Media Bridge is active.

This procedure removes the Media Bridge established by a successful completion of the StartBridge or AcceptBridge function.
The Task Media Channel is reconnected to the peer media.
A special BreakBridge Event is sent to the "bridged" Task.

This function returns a true-value if the input value is a BreakBridge Event. Otherwise the function returns a null-value.
When a Task receives a BreakBridge Event, it does not have to use the BreakBridge() procedure, as the Media Bridge has been already removed.

If a Task disconnects its peer, or the Task peer disconnects itself, or a Task stops (normally, or because of an error), and there is an active Media Bridge, this Media Bridge is automatically removed.

// Sample: StartBridge()/AcceptBridge()/BreakBridge()
//   Accept an incoming call (stop if it's not possible).
//   Create a new Task to run the Caller code,
//     and send it an Event with the URI to dial.
//   Play the PleaseWait media file.
//   Wait for a StartBridge Event from the Caller Task.
//   Accept it and loop till the user disconnects.
//   The Caller code:
//   Receive a URI to call as an Event from the parent Task
//   Connect to the URI and play the YouGotACall media file
//   StartBridge with the parent, loop till the user disconnects
entry Caller forward;
procedure ControlBridge() forward;

entry Main is
  if AcceptCall() != null then stop; end if;

  callerTask = spawn Caller;
  if callerTask == null or else
     SendEvent(callerTask,"dial","sip:internal@partner.dom") != null then
  end if;

  input = ReadInput(30);
  if not IsStartBridgeEvent(input) or else
     AcceptBridge(input) != null then
  end if;

  // we have established a bridge
end entry;

// Caller Task code
entry Caller is
  // wait for a "dial" event from the main task
  input = ReadInput(30);
  if input == null or input.what != "dial" then stop; end if;

  mainTask = input.sender;

  // Calling the URI specified as the Event parameter
  // If connection failed, send an Event back to the
  //  main task and quit 
  resultCode = StartCall(startEvent.parameter);
  if resultCode != null then
  end if;

  // wait for any Event other than provisional ones
    input = ReadInput(3600);
  exitif not IsCallProvisionEvent(input);
  end loop;

  // the parent has sent us "stop" - then we'll die immediately
  if IsDictionary(input) and then input.what == "stop" then stop; end if;
  if not IsCallCompletedEvent(input) or else input.parameter != null then
    void(SendEvent(mainTask,"result","generic error"));
  end if;

  if StartBridge(mainTask) != null then
  end if;

  // we have established a bridge
end entry;

// Controlling the peer signalling:
// while the media is bridged:
//	exit if the peer hangs up, dials "#"
//  or if the bridge is removed
procedure ControlBridge() is
    input = ReadInput(3600);
  exitif IsBreakBridgeEvent(input) or else 
          IsDisconnectEvent(input) or else input == "#";
  end loop;
end procedure;

This function takes the peer media of the Task that has sent it a StartBridge request, and attaches it to its own Media Channel.
The input value should be a StartBridge Event send to this Task.
This function returns a null-value if the other Task peer media is successfully attached to this Task Media Channel. Otherwise, the function returns an error code string.
The StartBridge function in the Task that has sent this StartBridge Event exits the waiting state. That StartBridge function returns a null-value if that Task peer media is attached successfully. Otherwise, that function returns an error code string.

This function detaches the peer media of the specified Task from this Task Media Channel.
The taskRef value should be a task handle.
The function returns a null-value if the peer media of the specified Task was attached to this Task Media Channel, and if that peer media is successfully reconnected back to the specified Task.
The specified Task receives a BreakBridge Event.
The function returns an error code string if the other Task peer media cannot be detached.
The taskRef value can be a null-value. In this case, all other Tasks peer media are detached from this Task Media Channel.

This function returns an array of task handles for all Tasks that attached their peer medias to this Task Media Channel.
If this Task Media Channel does not have any other Task peer media attached, this finction returns a null-value.

When a Task has other Task peer media attached to its Media Channel, all media are placed into one conversation space (or a conference).

This Task cannot use the StartBridge or AcceptBridge functions.

Note: in certain cases the system may decide to convert an AcceptBridge function operation into an AttachMixer function operation. As a result, the BreakBridge operation can be used by a Task that has exactly one other peer media attached to its Media Channel.

If a Task disconnects its peer, or the Task peer disconnects itself, or a Task stops (normally, or because of an error), and there are other Task peer media attached to this Task Media Channel, the system automatically detaches all of them.


This function returns a string with the peer URI (taken from the dialog From/To addresses). If there is no session in place, the function returns a null-value.

This function returns a string with the Task URI.

This function returns a string with URI of the pending incoming INVITE request. If there is no pending incoming INVITE request, the function returns a null-value.

This function tries to Route the E-mail address from the specified URI. If the URI cannot be parsed, or the URI address cannot be routed, or it routes to a non-local address (i.e an E-mail address hosted on a different system), this function returns a null-value. Otherwise, the function returns the E-mail address of the CommuniGate Pro user the original URI address is routed to.
This function allows you to correctly process all Forwarders, Aliases, and other CommuniGate Pro Routing methods.

This function returns an ip-address object the session establishment request was received from or was sent to. This IP Address/port pair is the actual peer address or the address of a proxy used to relay the peer signalling.

This function returns a null-value if the session starting request was not authenticated, or a string with the authenticated user E-mail address.


Under Construction

VoiceXML Applications

Under Construction

Supported Media Formats

The following audio file formats are supported:

WAV (data starts with the RIFF tag)
a file should contain a single data chunk with PCM 8-bit or 16-bit data.
au (data starts with the .snd tag)
a file should contain PCM 8-bit or 16-bit data, or 8-bit mu-Law data.

CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2006, Stalker Software, Inc.