TFTP Module

Web User 
  • Trivial File Transfer Protocol
  • Configuring the TFTP module
  • Providing Access to Personal File Sites
  • The CommuniGate TFTP module implements a TFTP server for UDP/IP networks.

    The TFTP protocol allows a TFTP client application to retrieve files from the Server computer. The CommuniGate Pro TFTP clients can retrieve data stored in Personal File Sites.

    Trivial File Transfer Protocol

    The Trivial File Transfer Protocol allows client computers to work with files stored on remote servers. A computer running a TFTP client application sends UDP request packets to the server computer. These packets contain the name of the file to retrieve and the transfer mode. In return, the Server computer sends a UDP packet with a block of file data. If the file is larger than one block, then the client computer sends an ACK (acknowledgement) packet, and the Server sends the next block of file data in response.

    The CommuniGate Pro TFTP module supports relevant Internet standards (RFCs).

    Configuring the TFTP module

    Use a Web browser to configure the TFTP module. Open the Obscure page in the WebAdmin Settings section.

    Log: listener
    Default Site:

    Use this setting to specify what kind of information the TFTP module should put in the Server Log. Usually you should use the Major (password modification reports) or Problems (non-fatal errors) levels. But when you experience problems with the TFTP module, you may want to set the Log Level setting to Low-Level or All Info: in this case protocol-level or link-level details will be recorded in the System Log as well.

    The TFTP module records in the System Log are marked with the TFTP tag.

    Use this link to open the UDP Listener page and specify the port number and local network address for the TFTP service, and access restrictions for that port. When the port number is set to 0, the TFTP server is disabled.
    By default TFTP clients send requests to the UDP port 69.
    If your server computer is already running some TFTP server, you may want to specify a non-standard port number here and reconfigure your TFTP client software to use that port number.

    Default Site
    Since the TFTP module does not provide user authentication, you need to specify which Personal File Site is used by default. Specify a name of an existing Account in this field. If that Account does not belong to the Main Domain, specify the full Account name as accountName@domainName.

    Providing Access to Personal File Sites

    The file name specified in the TFTP read request packet is interpreted as the name of a file in the Default Personal File Site. This name should not point to a file inside the private subdirectory, otherwise the access denied error is returned.

    If the specified file name starts with the slash (/) or tilda (~) symbol, the file name should contain at least one non-leading slash symbol. The string between the leading special symbol and that slash symbol is interpeted as an Account name, and the string after that slah symbol - as the name of the file to retrieve from the Personal File Site of the specified Account. That name should not specify any file inside the private subdirectory of that Personal File Site.

    The addressed Account must have the WebSite Service enabled to allow TFTP clients to retrieve files from its Personal File Site.


    TFTP filename parameterAddressed file
    file1.datfile1.dat in the Default Site
    dirA/file1.datfile1.dat in the dirA subdirectory of the Default Site
    file1.dat in the Account john Personal File Site
    file1.dat in the dirB subdirectory of the Account john Personal File Site
    file1.dat in the dirB subdirectory of the Account john@domain1.dom Personal File Site

    CommuniGate® Pro Guide. Copyright © 1998-2006, Stalker Software, Inc.